Select a Profile

Screenshot of the 'Profiles' section circled in the cHECk-RAS interface window after extracting data from the selected HEC-RAS project (.prj) file. In the 'Profiles' section, the list of available profiles will be displayed.There are three different types of profiles that cHECk-RAS will analyze:

  • Single Profile
  • Floodway Profile
  • Multiple Profile

cHECk-RAS performs different checks depending upon the selected profile.

For specific information on each of these checks, refer to Section 3 "Program Description" of the User Guide:

  1. After extracting the data from the latest plan of the HEC-RAS project (.prj) file, the 'Profiles' section of the interface window will display the list of profiles available.
  2. In order to assign the frequency to the profiles, name the profiles "1%" or "100-yr," "0.2%" or "500-yr," and "FW" for the floodway profile, instead of "prof1", "prof2", etc. when creating the HEC-RAS flow file.

    To rename profiles in HEC-RAS, navigate to 'Edit > Steady Flow Data > File > Rename Flow Title.'

  3. The screenshot illustrates the best practice of naming your profiles with its associated flood frequency.
  4. Re-run the project plan in HEC-RAS.

Course Progress: 60% Complete

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