View Reports (2 of 2)

Screenshot of a cHECk-RAS Report in the cHECk-RAS interface, example data is shown.

  1. To view a report, click on the hyperlinked text on the left hand side of the Table Editor window.
  2. The selected report will appear on the right hand side of the window.
  3. At the top of each report is a summary table of the data extracted from the HEC-RAS project (.prj) file and used by cHECk-RAS in its checking routines.
  4. If there is an issue or potential issue, cHECk-RAS generates a message in the appropriate cHECk-RAS check table.

    You may select the 'Group By Message ID' hyperlinked message to view all report issues and obtain additional help information for that particular message.

    Note that in some cases, a problem flagged by cHECk-RAS may be a justifiable modeling approach, even though it may be outside the normal parameters of the HEC-RAS program.

Course Progress: 85% Complete

85% Complete (success)