The remaining messages in the cHECk-RAS Report Editor that have not been flagged (similar to the image on the right) still require resolution in the HEC-RAS Program.
For example, the NT TL 01S4 error message circled in red requires a resolution in the HEC-RAS program. Looking at the NT TL 01S4 message in the generated cHECk-RAS report, there is a transition loss coefficient at RS5.49. To begin resolving this issue, complete the following steps:
- Open your HEC-RAS Program and select your HEC-RAS project.
- Ensure the plan, geometry, and flow files equate to the cHECk-RAS Report.
- Change the transition loss coefficients.
- Save the geometry file.
- Re-run the plan and save the HEC-RAS project.
- Since the HEC-RAS project has been modified, select 'Extract Data' from the cHECk-RAS main window.
- Select the 'Checking' button to run the cHECk-RAS checks again.
- Upon the conclusion of the Checking routine, select the 'View Report' button.
- If resolved properly, the NT TL 01S4 error message will not appear in the NT Report. The Summary Table shows that the transition loss coefficients of 0.3 and 0.5 are at RS 5.49.
- Close the cHECk-RAS Report Window and select the 'Edit Report' button from the cHECk-RAS main window.
- The NT TL 01S4 message will no longer appear in the cHECk-RAS Report Editor window. As you can see in the images below, the first image illustrates the error message before resolving the issue in HEC-RAS, compared to the second image, where the message disappears after completing the appropriate corrections in HEC-RAS.
- All other unresolved messages are still shown and will require resolution by fixing the issues in the HEC-RAS program.